Field invariants

Many questions on sums of squares and quadratic forms over fields concern criteria for isotropy of quadratic forms. In this context one considers field invariants that are defined as suprema of the dimensions of anisotropic quadratic forms with a certain property. The u-invariant, the level and the pythagoras number are the most prominent examples of field invariants of this type. There are many open questions concerning the range of values for these invariants, the relations between them, and their behavior under field extension.

Invariants of real fields

We look in particular at real fields. There we study invariants related to the spaces of orderings (as the stability index) and various analogues of the u-invariant (generalized u-invariant of Elman-Lam, Hasse invariant, length).

Apart from these questions of a general nature, it is of course most desirable to compute the values of these invariants for familiar examples of fields, e.g. function fields over a finite field, the real or the rational numbers.

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