Quadratic Forms Seminar

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Seminar talks winter term 2010/11
Date Speaker Topic
16.03 Thomas Unger (Dublin) Space-time block codes from generalized quaternion algebras
09.02. Lukas Prinzen (Konstanz) Weil Restriktion von linear algebraischen Gruppen im Kontext von Field Patching
02.02. James O'Shea (Konstanz) Minimal forms for function fields of conics
26.01. Johannes Buckenmaier (Konstanz) Abstract Witt rings and related quotients
19.01. Andrew Dolphin (Konstanz) Decomposing algebras in characteristic 2
12.01. Nicolas Grenier-Boley (Rouen) Sums of values represented by a quadratic form
15.12. Anne Quéguiner-Mathieu (Paris) The J-invariant of an algebra with involution
10.12. Johannes Buckenmaier (Konstanz) Classification of finite spaces of orderings
08.12. Paweł Gładki (Katowice) Multirings, hyperrings and hyperfields
01.12. Sofie Beke (Konstanz/Gent) Generic isotropy of central simple algebras of degree at most 4 with involution of the first kind
24.11. Cécile Coyette (Louvain-la-Neuve) Mal'cev-Neumann rings and noncrossed product division algebras
17.11. Darrell Haile (Bloomington, Indiana) The Okubo product and algebras of degree 3
15.11. Darrell Haile (Bloomington, Indiana) On a graph arising from a finite group
10.11. Demba Barry (Louvain-la-Neuve) Eléments de carré central dans un produit d'algèbres de quaternions
03.11. Jean-Pierre Tignol (Louvain-la-Neuve) Quadrics over the field with one element
27.10. Alexandre Masquelein (Louvain-la-Neuve) A cohomological invariant of degree 3 for unitary involutions of degree 4
20.10. Karim Johannes Becher (Konstanz) Torsion ideals in the Witt ring
13.10. David Grimm (Konstanz) Function fields in one variable with Pythagoras number two
06.10. Adrian Wadsworth (San Diego,California) Unitary SK_1 of division algebras with involution

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