Quadratic Forms Seminar

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Seminar talks winter term 2011/12
Date Speaker Topic
01.02 Alexander Prestel (Konstanz) From real to p-adic representation theorems
25.01. Eberhard Becker (Dortmund) A conjecture of S. Lang on C_1-fields and sums of powers
18.01. David B. Leep (Kentucky/Konstanz) The u-invariant of a rational function field over a field of cohomological dimension 1
23.11. Anne Quéguiner-Mathieu (Paris) A survey on Springer's conjecture for orthogonal involutions
30.11 Alexander Merkurjev (Los Angeles) Invariants of algebraic groups
23.11. Cécile Coyette (Louvain-la-Neuve) Norm and gauge on Clifford Algebras
22.11. Corentin Drugmand (Louvain-la-Neuve) To a 2-dimensional algebraic K-theory via symmetric monoidal categories
16.11. Mélanie Raczek (Louvain-la-Neuve) Faddeev index and Milnor K-theory
09.11. Alexandre Masquelein (Louvain-la-Neuve) On special orthogonal groups
02.11. Dominic Barth (Konstanz) Der Satz von Springer für Involutionen
26.10. Sofie Beke (Konstanz/Gent) Generic isotropy fields for algebras of degree 8 with involution
12.10. Demba Barry (Louvain-la-Neuve) Algèbres indécomposables de degré 8 et d'exposant 2
05.10. Andrew Dolphin (Konstanz) Singular forms and function fields

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