Mathematik und Statistik
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Schwerpunkt Analysis und Numerik > Michael Dreher

Viscous Quantum Hydrodynamics and Parameter-Elliptic Systems

L. Chen and M. Dreher

Abstract. The viscous quantum hydrodynamic model derived for semiconductor simulation is studied in this paper. The principal part of the vQHD system constitutes a parameter-elliptic operator provided that boundary conditions satisfying the Shapiro-Lopatinskii criterion are specified. We classify admissible boundary conditions and show that this principal part generates an analytic semigroup, from which we then obtain the local in time well-posedness. Furthermore, the exponential stability of zero current and large current steady states is proved, without any kind of subsonic condition. The decay rate is given explicitly.

Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 34 (2011), 520-531.

A preliminary version of the paper is available here.