Mathematik und Statistik
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Schwerpunkt Analysis und Numerik > Michael Dreher

Resolvent estimates for elliptic systems in function spaces of higher regularity

R. Denk and M. Dreher

Abstract. We consider parameter-elliptic boundary value problems and uniform a priori estimates in Lp-Sobolev spaces of Bessel potential and Besov type. The problems considered are systems of uniform order and mixed-order systems (Douglis-Nirenberg systems). It is shown that compatibility conditions on the data are necessary for such estimates to hold. In particular, we consider the realization of the boundary value problem as an unbounded operator with the ground space being a closed subspace of a Sobolev space and give necessary and sufficient conditions for the realization to generate an analytic semigroup.

Electron. J. Diff. Equ. 2011(109) 1-12.

A preliminary version of the paper is available here.