  Logo der Universität Konstanz

Logic in Konstanz

Deutsche Version

On this page, you can find information concerning the activities of the interdisciplinary logic group of the University of Konstanz.

Participating Departments:

Here you can subscribe to the logic mailing list to receive information about the colloquium sessions and other activities of the group.


The logical colloquium takes place about four times per term on Thursday, 17.00-18.30 in room G307. Invitations to the talks are communicated via the mailing list and announced here.

Upcoming Talks:

Past Talks:

Hier is a list of the available abstracts.


Logic-related courses in the current semester (SS 2016):

If you need further information on or want to register for one of the courses, you can do this here..

Past Courses:

Winter Term 2015/2016

Summer Term 2015

Winter Term 2014/2015

This page and the mailing list are currently administered by Merlin Carl (merlin.carl@uni-konstanz.de).

Letzte Änderung: 14. 08. 2015

University of Konstanz