Department of
Mathematics and Statistics
University of
Research Group in Real Algebraic Geometry > Working Group on Mathematical Logic, Set Theory and Model Theory > Prof. S. Kuhlmann > Staff > Laura Wirth

DE Deutsche Version

Laura Wirth

Laura Wirth Postal address:
Fachbereich Mathematik und Statistik
Universität Konstanz
Fach 196
78457 Konstanz

Office:   F415
Office hour (B3): Mondays, 14:00–15:00
Office hour (KWIM & Diversity): Tuesdays, 10:00–11:00
Telephone:   +49 7531 88 5771
E-mail:   laura.wirth [at]

I am a staff member of Professor Salma Kuhlmann, a doctoral student in her research group, and coordinator of the Konstanz Women in Mathematics (KWIM) project. As part of my doctoral project, I am involved in the research project Fundamentale Grenzen von Lernprozessen in künstlichen neuronalen Netzen (in English: Fundamental Limits of Learning Processes in Artificial Neural Networks), which is led by Dr. Lothar Sebastian Krapp and supported by the funding program MINT-Innovationen 2022 (in English: STEM-Innovations 2022) of Vector Stiftung. Moreover, I am involved in the open science initiative Algorithmen und Künstliche Intelligenz (in English: Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence).

zbMATH Author ID wirth.laura

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