Oliver Schnürer

Wintersemester 2015/16

Joseph Lauer (FU Berlin) Curve shortening flow and nonsmooth initial data
Nadine Große (Universität Freiburg) Yamabe-type invariants for open manifolds
Lisa Beck (Universität Augsburg) Duality, regularity and uniqueness for BV-minimizers
Mohammad N. Ivaki (TU Wien) Gauss curvature flow
Wolfgang Maurer (Universität Konstanz) Mittlerer Krümmungsfluss ohne Singularitäten mit Dirichlet-Randbedingung

Sommersemester 2015
Olaf Müller (Universität Regensburg) Conformal compactifications and Einstein-Maxwell-Dirac Theory

Wintersemester 2014/15
Mariel Saez (PUC Chile) Mean curvature flow without singularities
Mathew Langford (Universität Konstanz) Non-collapsing techniques for embedded minimal surfaces and mean curvature flows
Melanie Rupflin (Universität Leipzig) Mean curvature flow respecting obstacles
Ananda Lahiri (MPI Potsdam) Preserving graphical representation for mean curvature flow
Julian Scheuer (Universität Heidelberg) The inverse mean curvature flow perpendicular to the sphere
Theodora Bourni (FU Berlin) "Null mean curvature" flow and marginally outer trapped surfaces

Sommersemester 2014
            es fanden keine Vorträge statt

Wintersemester 2013/14
Carla Cederbaum (Universität Tübingen) PDEs describing isolated systems subject to gravitation
Melanie Rupflin (Universität Leipzig) Teichmüller harmonic map flow
Matthias Makowski (Universität Konstanz) Rigidity results, inverse curvature flows and Alexandrov-Fenchel type inequalities in the sphere
Anna Dall'Acqua (Universität Ulm) Elastic flow of open curves
Ben Lambert (Universität Konstanz) Mean Curvature Flow with a Neumann Boundary Condition inside Tori

Sommersemester 2013
Guofang Wang (Universität Freiburg) Mass and geometric inequalities
Gerasim Kokarev (LMU Müchen) Variational aspects of Laplace eigenvalues on Riemannian surfaces
Julian Scheuer (Universität Heidelberg) Non-scale-invariant inverse curvature flows in hyperbolic space
Ruben Jakob (Universität Tübingen) Sufficient conditions for Willmore-immersions in R3 to be minimal surfaces
Susanne Kürsten (TU Darmstadt) Periodische Minimalflächen in R4
Patrick Emmerich (Universität Freiburg) Starrheit von Flächen ohne konjugierte Punkte
Judit Abardia (Universität Frankfurt) Minkowski Bewertungen in einem komplexen Vektorraum
Simon Blatt (KIT Karlsruhe) The gradient flow of the Möbius energy
Miroslav Vrzina (TU Wien) Einfach periodische Flächen konstanter mittlerer Krümmung in H2 x R
Volker Branding (Universität Frankfurt) Dirac-harmonic maps and extensions
Felix Jachan (FU Berlin) Area preserving Willmore Flow in asymptotically Schwarzschild manifolds
Reiner Schätzle (Universität Tübingen) New explicit examples of conformally constrained Willmore minimizers
Thomas Schmidt (SNS Pisa) Regularitätstheorie für die Monge-Ampère-Gleichung
Tobias Marxen (FU Berlin) Ricci Fluss auf einer Klasse von warped product Mannigfaltigkeiten

21. bis 22. Juni   >>    36. Süddeutsches Kolloquium über Differentialgeometrie

Wintersemester 2012/13
Norbert Hungerbühler (ETH Zürich) Heat flow Problems and Young measures
Jan Metzger (Universität Potsdam) Minimizers of the Willmore functional with prescribed area
Julia Plehnert (TU Darmstadt) Conjugate Plateau construction of constant mean curvature surfaces
Ruben Jakob (Universität Tübingen) Sufficient conditions for Willmore-immersions in R^3 to be minimal surfaces
Matthias Makowski (Universität Konstanz) Mixed volume preserving curvature flows in hyperbolic space
Oliver Schnürer (Universität Konstanz) Mean curvature flow without singularities

18. bis 22. März   >>    3. Jahrestagung des SPP 1489

Sommersemester 2012
Michael Struwe (ETH Zürich) Conformal metrics of prescribed Gauß curvature
Felix Schulze (FU Berlin) The half-space property and entire positive minimal graphs in \({\small M\times\mathbb R}\)
Claus Gerhardt (Universität Heidelberg) The quantization of gravity in globally hyperbolic spacetimes
Ulrich Dierkes (Universität Duisburg-Essen) On the singular minimal surface equation

Wintersemester 2011/12
Martin Franzen (Universität Konstanz) Existence of convex entire graphs evolving by powers of the mean curvature
Melanie Rupflin (MPI Potsdam) About uniqueness and non-uniqueness for the harmonic map flow
Felix Finster (Universität Regensburg) Causal fermion systems and causal variational principles

Sommersemester 2011
Felix Schulze (FU Berlin) Uniqueness of compact tangent flows in Mean Curvature Flow
Gerhard Huisken (MPI Potsdam) Evolution of hypersurfaces and isoperimetric inequalities on manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature
Mariel Sáez (PUC Chile) Multiple-layer solutions to the Allen-Cahn equation on hyperbolic space
Carlo Sinestrari (Universität Rom) Convex hypersurfaces evolving by curvature flow
Tom Ilmanen (ETH Zürich) New Results in Mean Curvature Flow in \({\small \mathbb R^3}\)
Reto Müller (SNS Pisa) Central blow-ups of Ricci flow singularities
Miles Simon (IAN Magdeburg) Ricci Flow of non-negatively curved cones
Esther Cabezas Rivas (Universität Münster) How to produce a Ricci Flow via Cheeger-Gromoll exhaustion
Peter Topping (WMI Warwick) Flowing to minimal surfaces
Thomas Marquardt (MPI Potsdam) A Neumann Problem for Inverse Mean Curvature Flow
Roberta Alessandroni (MPI Potsdam) Graph solutions for curvature flows
Knut Smoczyk (Universität Hannover) Evolution of spacelike hypersurfaces in anti-DE Sitter space by the Langrangian angle of their Gauss maps
Julie Clutterbuck (ANU Canberra) Proof of the fundemental gap conjecture
Konstantin Heil (Universität Heidelberg) A priori Abschätzungen des mittleren Krümmungsflusses in global-hyperbolischen Raumzeiten
Robert Haslhofer (ETH Zürich) Volume preserving curvature flows in Lorentzian manifolds
Ernst Kuwert (Universität Freiburg) W2,2 conformal immersions of surfaces

21. bis 23. September   >>    Conference on Geometric Evolution Equations

Wintersemester 2010/11
Tobias Lamm (Universität Frankfurt) Parabolic systems with rough initial data
Christoph Böhm (Universität Münster) Second best Einstein metric in higher dimensions
Albert Chau (University of Vancouver) Gauß curvature flows of entire graphs
Miles Simon (Universität Freiburg) Expanding solitons with non-negative curvature operator coming out of cones
Oliver Schnürer (Universität Konstanz) Gauß curvature flows of entire graphs
Matthias Makowski (Universität Konstanz) Volume preserving curvature flows in Lorentzian manifolds
Adrian Hammerschmidt (FU Berlin) Parabolic systems with rough initial data Stability of translating troughs under Mean Curvature Flow by polynominal perburtations

10. und 11. Februar   >>    Workshop on Ricci-flow

Sommersemester 2010
Thilo Notz (FU Berlin) Closed Hypersurfaces Driven by their Mean Curvature and Inner Pressure
Esther Cabezas Rivas (Universität Münster) „Ricciflowing” the Ricci Flow
Miles Simon (Universität Freiburg) Stability of metrics under Ricci flow
James McCoy (University of Queensland) Self-similar solutions of fully nonlinear curvature flows
Thomas Marquardt (MPI Potsdam) Expansion of Hypersurfaces with Boundary in a cone

Wintersemester 2009/10
Mariel Sáez (PUC Chile) Uniqueness of self-similar solutions to the network flow in a given topological class
Felix Schulze (FU Berlin) Folitations of asymptotically flat manifolds by surfaces of Willmore type